Seminars in Neuroscience
The “Seminars in Neuroscience“ is an open seminar series organized by the neuroscience groups of the University of Cologne and the Forschungszentrum Jülich. It also hosts talks organized by the Research Training Group "Neural Circuit Analysis on the cellular and subcellular level" funded by the DFG. In the past years, more than 50 renowned scientists from all over the world have been invited to share their projects and experience with the audience. The seminars are normally taking place the first Monday of each month at 4:00 pm and last about an hour including questions posed by the audience. Everybody interested in neuroscience and especially students are very welcome to attend!
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Events to come
20.11.2024, 16:00 s.t., Dr. Chris J. Dallmann, University of Würzburg, Germany
Title: "Neural circuits for walking control in Drosophila"
27.01.2025, 16:00 s.t., Dr. Sabine Krabbe, DZNE, Bonn
Title: "Functional diversity of inhibitory amygdala microcircuits"
Past events
04.11.2024, 16:00 s.t., Prof. Auke Ijspeert, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology at Lausanne, EPFL
Title: "Investigating animal locomotion using biorobots and neuromechanical simulations"
16.10.2024, 16:30 s.t., Prof. Brian Smith, Arizona University
21.02.2024, 16:00 s.t. , Prof. Julie H. Simpson, University of California Santa Barbara
Title of the talk: "Mapping neural circuits for fly grooming as a model motor sequence".
23.10.2023, 16:00 s.t., Prof. Brian H Smith, School of Life Sciences, Arizona State University
Title of the talk: "A Model for Modulation of Hebbian Plasticity and Its Potential Role in Regulating Attention in the Honey Bee (Apis mellifera)"
09.10.2023, 16:00 s.t., Dr. Carsten Duch, Institute of Developmental Biology and Neurobiology (iDN), Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz
Title of the talk: "Unravelling new functions of electrical synapses in fast flapping flyers".
03.07.2023, 15:00 s.t., Dr. César Mendes, CEDOC, NOVA Medical School, Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Title of the talk: "Role of mechanosensory structures in the modulation and initiation of locomotion in Drosophila melanogaster"
12.06.2023, 15:00 s.t., Dr. Daniel Knebel, Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology in Jena
Title of the talk: "Central Control of the Legs in the Locust with a Historical Perspective".
23.05.2023, 13:00 s.t., Prof. Thomas Nowotny, University of Sussex
Title of the talk: "How to train Spiking Neural Networks efficiently"
22.05.2023, 15:00 s.t., Dr. Salil Bidaye, Max Planck Florida Institute for Neuroscience
Title of the talk: "How halting controls walking: Using connectome informed models and experiments to uncover fundamental neural circuit mechanisms for locomotor control in a Drosophila model system"
11.05.2023, 15:00 s.t., Dr. Serge Birman, ESPCI ParisTech, Paris, France
Title of the talk: "Story of the fly with NO dopamine"
05.05.2023, 15:00 s.t. Dr. Hagar Meltzer, Weizmann Institute, Rehovot, Israel
Title of the talk: "Spatiotemporal control of neural circuit assembly and remodeling by cell surface Proteins"
02.05.2023, 15:00 s.t., Prof. Dr. Andreas Thum, University of Leipzig
Title of the talk: "Analyzing the dopaminergic teaching signal at the individual cell level in Drosophila larva: Implications for understanding behavioural plasticity"
24.04.2023, 15:00 s.t., Dr. Gerit Linneweber, Freie Universität Berlin
Title of the talk: "The origins of individuality – being unique starts with a uniquely developed brain"
28.11.2022, 15:00 s.t., Prof. Dimitri Ryczko, Université de Sherbrooke
Title of the talk: "Brainstem control of locomotion in salamanders and mice."
09.09.2022, 11:00 AM, Prof. Martyn Goulding, Salk Institute for Biological Studies, La Jolla, CA, USA
Title of the talk: "Somatosensation and the control of movement"
04.07.2022, 16:00 s.t, Dr. T. Thang Vo-Doan, University of Freiburg
Title of the talk: "Insect-machine Hybrid Systems: Locomotion control of living insects"
13.06.2022, 15:00 s.t, Prof. Manuel Zimmer, University of Vienna
Title of the talk: "From connectome to function: connectivity features underlying neuronal population dynamics in the nematode C. elegans"
Thursday 19.05.2022, 15:00 s.t, Dr. Beck Strohmer, Technical University of Denmark
Title of the talk: "From Insect to Robot Walking"
09.05.2022, 15:00 s.t, Dr. Jennifer Li & Dr. Drew Robson, Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, Tübingen
Title of the talk: "A nested dynamical system organizes quiescent brain states in the vertebrate brain"
04.04.2022, 15:00 s.t, Dr. Paule Dagenais, University of Geneva
Title of the talk: "The body-language of the elephant trunk"
07.03.2022, 15:00 s.t, Prof. Emre Yaksi, NTNU-Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Title of the talk: "Integration of sensory-evoked and spontaneous activity in zebrafish forebrain"
14.02.2022, 15:00 s.t, Ass. Prof. Flavio Donato, Universität Basel (online seminar)
Title of the talk: "Assembling Circuits to Navigate through Space and Create Memories"
24.01.2022, 15:00 s.t, Dr. Jan M. Ache, Universität Würzburg (online seminar)
Title of the talk: "Neuronal Mechanisms for Sensorimotor Flexibility in Drosophila"
08.11.2021, 15:00 s.t. (9:00 EDT), Dr. Jasmine A Nirody, Independent Research Fellow at the University of Oxford & The Rockefeller University (online seminar)
Title of the talk: " Shared features in panarthropod inter-limb coordination across walking speeds and terrains"
04.10.2021, 15:00 s.t. (9:00 EDT), Dr. Basil el Jundi, Universität Würzburg (online seminar)
Title of the talk: "The Monarch butterfly compass - from neurons to behavior "
20.09.2021, 16:00 s.t. (10:00 EDT), Prof. Jessica Fox, Case Western Reserve University (online seminar)
Title of the talk: "Combining sensory information for flexible behaviors at high speeds "
16.11.2020, 15:30 s.t. to 19:00, Five renowned speakers share their recent findings within the framework of the RTG1960-NCA’s annual retreat.
To see the program, press here.
02.03.2020, 13:00 s.t., Prof. Sacha Jennifer van Albada, Forschungszentrum Jülich and University of Cologne
Title of the talk: Large-scale network models of cerebral cortex linking structure to dynamics
09.12.2019, 13:00 s.t., Prof. Andre Fiala, University of Göttingen
Title of the talk: "Imaging synaptically distributed memory traces in the brain of Drosophila"
02.12.2019, 13:00 s.t., Professors and researchers of the University of Cologne
Title of the talk: "Neuroscience at the Biocenter of the University of Cologne: Opportunities for Bachelor's and Master's students"
25.11.2019, 13:00 s.t., Prof. Abdel El Manira, Karolinska Institutet
Title of the talk: "Neuronal and circuit diversity controlling motor actions"