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Publications in scientific journals (peer reviewed)

  • Farias L, Beszteri B, Burfeid Castellanos AM, Doliwa A, Enss J, Feld CK, Grabner D, Lampert KP, Mayombo S, Prati S, Schürings C, Smollich E, Schäfer RB, Sures B, Le TTY (2024) Influence of salinity on the thermal tolerance of aquatic organisms. Science of the total environment 953: 176120
  • Lampert KP, Heermann L. Storm S, Cerwenka AF, Heubel K, Borcherding J, Waldvogel A-M (2024) Round gobies (Neogobius melanostomus) in the River Rhine: Population genetic support for invasion via two different routes. PLoS ONE 19(9): e0310692
  • Escobar-Sierra C, Cañedo-Argüelles M, Vinyoles D, Lampert KP (2024) Unraveling the molecular mechanisms of fish adaptation to freshwater salinization: A comparative multi-tissue transcriptomic study in a river polluted by potash mining. Environmental Pollution 357: 124400
  • Escobar-Sierra C, Lampert KP (2024) Field application of de novo transcriptomic analysis to evaluate the effects of sublethal freshwater salinization on Gasterosteus aculeatus in urban streams. PLoS ONE 19(3): e0298213.
  • Vos M, Hering D, Gessner MO, Leese F, [...], Lampert KP, et al. (2023) The Asymmetric Response Concept explains ecological consequences of multiple stressor exposure and release. Science of the Total Environment 872:162196
  • Virgo J, Ufermann L, Lampert KP, Eltz T (2022) More than meets the eye: decrypting diversity reveals hidden interaction specificity between frogs and frog-biting midges Ecological Entomology (available online)
  • Schwanck T, Schweinsberg M, Lampert KP, Guttridge TL, Tollrian R, O’Shea O (2020) Linking local movement and molecular analysis to explore philopatry and population connectivity of the southern stingray Hypanus americanus Journal of Fish Biology 96: 1475-1488
  • Gösser F, Schartl M, García-De León FJ, Tollrian R, Lampert KP (2019) Red Queen revisited: Immune gene diversity and parasite load in the asexual Poecilia formosa versus its sexual host species P. mexicana PLoS ONE 14(7): e0219000
  • Virgo J, Ruppert A, Lampert KP, Grafe TU, Eltz T (2019) The sound of a blood meal: Acoustic ecology of frog-biting midges (Corethrella) in lowland Pacific Costa Rica Ethology 125:465-475
  • Warren WC, García-Pérez R*, Xu S*, Lampert KP*, et al.  (2018) Clonal polymorphism and high heterozygosity in the celibate genome of the Amazon molly Nature Ecology and Evolution 2:669-679 *equal contributors
  • Lampert KP (2018) Oxygen concentration drives local adaptation in the greenlip abalone (Haliotis laevigata) Molecular Ecology 27:1521-1523
  • Schweinsberg M, Tollrian R, Lampert KP (2017) Inter and intracolonial genotypic diversity in hermatypic hydrozoans of the family Milleporidae Marine Ecology 38:e12388
  • Schweinsberg M, Tollrian R, Lampert KP (2016) Genetic variation in the massive coral Porites lobata Marine Biology 163:242
  • Straube N, Lampert KP, Geiger MF, Weiß JD, Kirchhauser JX (2016) First record of second-generation facultative parthenogenesis in a vertebrate species, the whitespotted bambooshark Chiloscyllium plagiosum Journal of Fish Biology 88:668-675
  • Schweinsberg M, Weiss LC, Striewski S, Tollrian R, Lampert KP (2015) More than one genotype: how common is intracolonial genetic variability in scleractinian corals? Molecular Ecology 24:2673-2685
  • Heckenhauer J, Schweinsberg M, Elbrecht V, John U, Tollrian R, Lampert KP (2015) Isolation, characterization and cross amplification of 11 novel microsatellite loci for the hydrozoan coral Millepora Conservation Genetics Resources 7:215-217
  • Smith CC, Harris RM, Lampert KP, Schartl M, Hoffman HA, Ryan MJ (2015) Copy number variation in the melanocortin 4 receptor gene and alternative reproductive tactics in the swordtail Xiphophorus multinineatus Environmental Biology of Fishes 98:23-33
  • Lampert KP, Regmi BP, Wathne I & Larsson P. (2014) Clonal diversity and turnover in an overwintering Daphnia pulex population and the effect of fish predation Freshwater Biology 59:1735-1743
  • Lampert KP, Pasternak V, Brand P, Tollrian R, Leese F, Eltz T (2014) ‘Late’ male sperm precedence in polyandrous wool-carder bees and the evolution of male resource defense in Hymenoptera Animal Behaviour 90:211-217
  • Schweinsberg M, Gonzales Pech R, Tollrian R, Lampert KP (2014) Intracolonial genetic variation is transferred to the next generation Coral Reefs 33: 77-87
  • Lampert KP, Blassmann K, Hissmann K, Schauer J, Shunula P, del Karousy Z, Ngatunga BP, Fricke H, Schartl M (2013) Single male paternity in coelacanths Nature Communications 4:2488
  • Rog S, Ryan MJ, Mueller U, Lampert KP (2013) Evidence for morphological and genetic diversification of Túngara Frog populations on islands Herpetological Conservation and Biology 8:228-239
  • Leese F, Brand P, Rozenberg A, Mayer C, Agrawal S, Dambach J, Dietz L, Doemel JS, Goodall-Copstake WP, Held C, Jackson JA, Lampert KP, Linse K, Macher JN, Nolzen J, Raupach MJ, Rivera N, Schubart CD, Striewski S, Tollrian R & Sands CJ (2012) Exploring Pandora’s Box: Potential and pitfalls of low coverage genome surveys for evolutionary biology PlosOne 7:e49202
  • Lampert KP, Fricke H, Blassmann K, Hissmann K, Schauer J, Ngatunga BP, Schartl M (2012) Evolution in a living fossil – evidence for population divergence in the East African coelacanth, Latimeria chalumnae Current Biology 22: R439-R440
  • Lampert W, Lampert KP, Larsson P (2012) Induction of male production in Daphnia pulex by the juvenoid hormone methyl farnesoate: clonal differences and effects of photoperiod. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part C 156: 130–133
  • Bernhart B, Lampert KP, Leese F, Mayer C, Tollrian R (2012) Are shoals of the Eurasian minnow (Phoxinus phoxinus) formed by close kin? Journal of Fish Biology 80: 713–721
  • Lampert W, Lampert KP, Larsson P (2012) Coexisting overwintering strategies in Daphnia pulex: Clonal differences in sexual reproduction Fundamental and Applied Limnology 179:281-291
  • Lampert KP, Bürger P, Striewski S, Tollrian R (2012) Lack of association between colour morphs of the Jellyfish Cassiopea andromeda and zooxanthella clade Marine Ecology 33:364-369
  • Grafe TU, Stewart MM, Lampert KP, Rödel M-O (2011) Putting toe clipping into perspective: a viable method for marking anurans Journal of Herpetology 45:28-35
  • Lampert KP, Schmidt C, Fischer P, Muck J, Volff JN, Hoffmann C, Lohse MJ, Ryan MJ, Schartl M (2010) Melanocortin receptor 4 polymorphisms determine onset of sexual maturation and are linked to behavioral cascades in Xiphophorus fishes Current Biology 20:1729-1734
  • Lampert KP, Stöck M, Möller D, Schlupp I, Schartl M (2010) Monophyletic origin of clonal lineages in a gynogenetic fish Molecular Ecology 19:5204-5215
  • Lampert W, Lampert KP, Larsson P (2010) Coexisting overwintering strategies in Daphnia pulex: a test of genetic differences and life history traits Limnology and Oceanography 55:1893-1900
  • Sandberger L, Feldhaar H, Lampert KP, Lamatsch DK, Rödel MO (2010) Small specialized and highly mobile? The tree-hole breeding frog, Phrynobatrachus guineensis, lacks fine-scale population structure African Journal of Herpetology 59:79-94
  • Lampert KP, Schartl M (2010) A little bit is better than nothing: the incomplete parthenogenesis of salamanders, frogs and fish. (Invited commentary) BMC Evolutionary Biology 78:8
  • Lampert KP (2009) Clonal reproduction in freshwater fishes: mechanisms, systematic overview, genetic and ecological consequences (Invited review) Fundamental and Applied Limnology 174(3): 245-260
  • Lampert KP, Fischer P, Schartl M (2009) MHC variability in the clonal Amazon molly, Poecilia formosa: is copy number less important than genotype? Molecular Ecology 18: 1124-1136
  • Lamatsch DK, Lampert KP, Fischer P, Geiger M, Schlupp I, Schartl M (2009) Diploid Amazon mollies outcompete triploids in reproduction Evolutionary Ecology 23:687-697
  • Lampert KP, Lamatsch DK, Fischer P, Schartl M (2008) A tetraploid Amazon molly, Poecilia formosa. Journal of Heredity 99:223-226
  • Lampert KP (2008) Facultative parthenogenesis in vertebrates: reproductive error or chance? (Invited review) Sexual development 2(6): 290-301
  • Lampert KP, Schartl M (2008) Origin and evolution of a clonal hybrid: Poecilia formosa. (Review) Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society Series B 363: 2901-2909
  • Schories S, Lampert KP, Lamatsch DK, Garcia de León FJ, Schartl M (2007) Evidence for an independent origin of triploid Poecilia formosa outside of the Río Purificación river system. Frontiers in Zoology 4:13
  • Nanda I, Schlupp I, Lamatsch DK, Lampert KP, Schmid M, Schartl M (2007) Stable inheritance of host species-derived microchromosomes in the gynogenetic fish, Poecilia formosa. Genetics 177: 917-926.
  • Lampert KP, Lamatsch DK, Fischer P, Epplen JT, Nanda I, Schmid M, Schartl M (2007) Automictic reproduction in interspecific hybrids of poeciliid fish. Current Biology 17:1948-1953.
  • Lampert KP, Steinlein C, Schmid M, Schartl M (2007) A haploid-diploid-triploid mosaic of the Amazon molly, Poecilia formosa. Cytogenetic and Genome Research 119:131-134
  • Lampert KP, Bernal XE, Rand AS, Mueller UG, Ryan MJ (2007) Island populations of Physalaemus pustulosus: history influences genetic diversity and morphology. Herpetologica 63(3) 311-320
  • Lampert KP, Lamatsch DK, Schories S, Hopf A, Garcia de León FJ, Schartl M (2006) Microsatellites for the gynogenetic Amazon molly, Poecilia formosa: useful tools for detection of mutation rate, ploidy determination and overall genetic diversity. Journal of Genetics 85(1): 67-71
  • Rödel M-O, Lampert KP, Linsenmair KE (2006) Reproductive biology of the West African savannah frog Hyperolius nasutus Günther, 1864. Herpetozoa 19 (1/2): 3-12
  • Lampert KP, Bernal XE, Rand AS, Mueller UG, Ryan MJ (2006) No evidence for female mate choice based on genetic similarity in the túngara frog Physalaemus pustulosus. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 59: 796-804
  • Lampert KP, Lamatsch DK, Epplen JT, Schartl M (2005) Evidence for a monophyletic origin of the triploid clones in the Amazon molly, Poecilia formosa. Evolution 59: 881-889
  • Lampert KP, Rand AS, Mueller UG, Ryan MJ (2003) Fine-scale genetic pattern and sex-biased dispersal in the Túngara frog, Physalaemus pustulosus. Molecular Ecology 12 (12): 3325-3334
  • Stöck M, Lamatsch DK, Steinlein C, Epplen JT, Grosse W-R, Hock R, Lampert KP, Scheer U, Schmid M, Schartl M (2002) A bisexually reproducing all-triploid vertebrate. Nature Genetics 30: 325-328
  • Lampert KP, Linsenmair KE (2002) Alternative life cycle strategies in the West African reed frog Hyperolius nitidulus: the answer to an unpredictable environment? Oecologia 130: 364-372

Book chapters

  • Lampert KP Cassiopea and its zooxanthellae In: The Cnidaria, past, present and future. The world of Medusa and her sisters. Eds. Goffredo S, Dubinsky Z – Springer International Publishing Switzerland (2016)

  • Lampert KP, Peinert B, Schulz V, Seume T (2016) Untersuchungen zur genotypischen Variabilität der Quappe (Lota lota) im Rahmen der Wiederansiedlungsmaßnahmen in Nordrhein-Westfalen In: Die Quappe (Lota lota) im Einzugsgebiet der Lippe: Ökologie, Schutzmaßnahmen, Zucht und Wiederansiedlung. Schriftenreihe des Landesfischereibands Westfalen und Lippe e.V.