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  • Grabowska M., Toth T.I., Smarandache-Wellmann C. and Daun-Gruhn S. (2015) A network model comprising 4 segmental, interconnected ganglia, and its application to simulate multi-legged locomotion in crustaceans.  J. of Comp. Neurosci., 1-16

  • Smarandache-Wellmann C., and Grätsch S. , (2014) Mechanisms of coordination in distributed neural circuits: Encoding coordinating information.  J. Neurosci. 34(16):5627-5639

  • Smarandache-Wellmann C, Weller C, Mulloney B. (2014) Mechanisms of coordination in distributed neural circuits: decoding and integration of coordinating information.  J Neurosci.;34(3):793-803.

  • Smarandache-Wellmann CR, C Weller, TM Wright Jr. and B Mulloney (2013) Five types of non-spiking interneurons in the local pattern-generating circuits of the crayfish swimmeret system.  J Neurophysiol. doi:10.1152/jn.00079.2013

  • Mulloney, B. and C.R. Smarandache-Wellmann (2012) Neurobiology of the crustacean swimmeret system. Prog. Neurobiol. Feb;96(2):242-67

  • Mulloney, B. and C.R. Smarandache (2010) Fifty years of CPGs: two neuroethological papersthat shaped the course of neuroscience. Front. Behav. Neurosci. 4 (45): 1-8.

  • C.R. Smarandache , W. Hall, B. Mulloney (2009) Coordination of rhythmic motor activity by gradients of synaptic strength in a neural circuit that couples modular neural oscillators
    J. Neurosci. 29(29):9351-60
    (Diese Publikation wurde durch Faculty of 1000 ausgewählt: (Faculty of 1000 Biology: evaluations for C. R. Smarandache et al J Neurosci 2009 Jul 22 29 (29) :9351-60 ))

  • U.B.S. Hedrich, C.R. Smarandache , W. Stein (2009) Differential activation of projection neurons by two sensory pathways contributes to motor pattern selection. J. Neurophysiol. 102:2866-2879.

  • C.R. Smarandache , N. Daur, U.B. Hedrich, W. Stein (2008)Regulation of motor pattern frequency by reversals in proprioceptive feedback. Europ J Neurosci. 28: 460-474

  • C.R. Smarandache , and W. Stein (2007) Sensory-induced modification of two motor patterns in the crab, Cancer pagurus. J Exp Biol 210: 2912-2922

  • W. Stein, C.R. Smarandache , M. Nickmann, U.B. Hedrich (2006) Functional consequences of activity-dependent synaptic enhancement at a crustacean neuromuscular junction. J Exp Biol. 209(Pt 7):1285-300.

Book Chapters (* peer reviewed)

  • Gal, J. L., Dubuc, R. and Smarandache‐Wellmann, C. (2017). Coordination of Rhythmic Movements. In Neurobiology of Motor Control (eds S. L. Hooper and A. Büschges). doi:10.1002/9781118873397.ch10

  • Stein W., C. Städele & C.R. Smarandache-Wellmann#  (2016). Book chapter: /Evolutionary aspects of motor control and coordination: the central pattern generators in the crustacean stomatogastric and swimmeret systems/; In: Structure and Evolution of Invertebrate Nervous Systems, Oxford University Press, eds: Schmidt-Rhaesa, A., Harzsch, S. & Purschke, G. ISBN: 9780199682201.

Faculty of 1000 video-presentation

  • Videos of the presentation (three parts): part 1 , part 2 , part 3 . C.R. Smarandache and B. Mulloney (2009), Coordinating of a distributed system of local pattern-generating modules: synaptic circuits and synaptic integration. Society for Neuroscience Meeting, Chicago, IL, USA

Invited Talks

  • C.R. Smarandache-Wellmann (2014) The Swimmeret System of Crayfish: Coordination of Neural Oscillators; Arthropod Neuroscience Network Symposium at the 107th Annual Meeting of the German Zoological Society at the University of Konstanz, Germany

  • A.C. Schneider and C.R. Smarandache-Wellmann (2014) Unraveling the cellular properties of neurons involved in coordination of central pattern generators; 107th Annual Meeting of the German Zoological Society at the University of Konstanz, Germany

  • C.R. Smarandache-Wellmann (2014) The swimmeret system of crayfish: cellular mechanisms of coordination; in the symposium "Coordination of multi legged locomotion" at the Neuroethology  Conference 2014, Sapporo, Japan

C.R. Smarandache-Wellmann (2013)

  • C.R. Smarandache-Wellmann (2014) Mechanisms of synchronization; Department of Animal Physiology of the University of Cologne, Germany

  • C.R. Smarandache-Wellmann (2013) Crayfish: Coordination of Swimmerets; The EMICAB Symposium on Legs, Load and Locomotion – Bielefeld, Germany

  • C.R. Smarandache-Wellmann (2013) Nervensystem des Flusskrebses und tierschutzgerechte Tötung von Decapoden; Internationale Flusskrebstagung, Nationalpark Eifel, Schleiden-Gemünd, Germany

  • C.R. Smarandache-Wellmann (2013) Network mechanisms of coordination in distributed neural oscillators; Ulm University, Neuroscience Seminar, Ulm, Germany

  • C.R. Smarandache-Wellmann (2012) Encoding of coordinating information in a limb movement network; Arthropod Neuroscience Network Symposium at the 105th annual meeting of the German Zoological Society (DZG), Konstanz, Germany

  • C.R. Smarandache-Wellmann (2011) Encoding and Integration of Coordinating Information in a Pattern-Generating Microcircuit, RWTH Aachen Neuroscience Seminar, Aachen, Germany

  • C.R. Smarandache (2010), Coordination of Distributed Local Neural Circuits, University of Bonn, Neuroscience Seminar, Bonn, Germany

  • C.R. Smarandache (2009), How coordinating information is integrated into local neural circuits.STG-Meeting (SfN satellite symposium), Chicago, IL, USA.

  • B. Mulloney and C.R. Smarandache (2008), Gradients of synaptic strength in a neural circuit that coordinates limb movements. Symposium at the Society for Neuroscience Meeting, Microelectrode and multielectrode recording techniques, Washington, DC, USA.

  • C.R. Smarandache (2007),Sensory regulation of rhythmic motor patterns in the crab's stomatogastric nervous system. Center for Neuroscience Special Seminar, University of California, Davis, CA, USA.


  • C.R. Smarandache-Wellmann (2013) Mechanisms of coordination in distributed neural oscillators; Department of Biology, 2nd D-BIOL Symposium, Prüm, Germany

  • C.R. Smarandache-Wellmann (2012) Encoding of coordinated information in a system of distributed neural oscillators; Dynamic neural networks: The Stomatogastric System (SfN satellite symposium) New Orleans, LA – USA

  • C.R. Smarandache-Wellmann (2012) Network mechanisms of coordination for distributed neural oscillators; 105th Annual Meeting of the German Zoological Society at the University of Konstanz, Germany

  • C.R. Smarandache-Wellmann (2012) Decoding, Integration and Encoding of Coordinated Information, “Neural Basis of Coordinated (Loco-)Motion” Workshop im Wissenschaftskolleg Berlin, Germany

  • C.R. Smarandache-Wellmann (2011) Integration of Coordinating Information in a Pattern-Generating Microcircuit, Department of Biology 1st D-BIOL Symposium, Prüm, Germany

  • C.R. Smarandache and B. Mulloney (2008), The cellular basis of a well-coordinated system. STG-Meeting, Washington DC, USA.

  • C.R. Smarandache (2008) Gradients of synaptic strengths in a neural circuit that coordinates limb movements. University of California, Davis; Neuroscience Retreat, Point Reyes, CA, USA.

  • C.R. Smarandache (2008), Synaptic influence decreases with distance from point of origin. Biologisches Kolloquium, Universität Ulm, Deutschland.

  • C.R. Smarandache (2007), Sensory regulation of rhythmic motor patterns in the crab's stomatogastric nervous system. Center for Neuroscience Special Seminar, University of California, Davis, CA, USA

  • C.R. Smarandache (2006), The effects of the sensory cell AGR on the activities of projection neurons in the crab. STG-Meeting, Atlanta, GA, USA.

  • C.R. Smarandache (2006) A sensory cell changes the activities of several projection neurons in the stomatogastric nervous system of the crab. Arthropodenseminar, Berlin, Deutschland.

  • C.R. Smarandache (2005), Characterization of a sensory input in the stomatogastric nervous system of the crab. STG-Meeting, Washington DC, USA.

  • C.R. Smarandache , W. Stein (2005), Sensorymotor integration in the stomatogastric nervous system. Arthropodenseminar, Bielefeld, Deutschland


  • A. C. Schneider, H. Seichter, S. Grätsch, C.R. Smarandache-Wellmann (2013), Encoders of Coordinating Information in a Network of Coupled Oscillators. NeuroVisionen 9, Cologne.

  • F. Blumenthal & C.R. Smarandache-Wellmann (2013) Temperature dependent effects on rhythmic activity in the swimmeret system of crayfish; 43rd Society for Neuroscience Meeting, San Diego, CA, USA.

  • A. C. Schneider, S. Grätsch & C.R. Smarandache-Wellmann (2013) Intersegmental coordination in the swimmeret system: Neuronal properties of the ascending (ASCE) and descending (DSC) coordinating neuron; 43rd Society for Neuroscience Meeting, San Diego, CA, USA.

  • B Mulloney, C Weller, TM Wright Jr. & CR Smarandache-Wellmann (2013) Five types of non-spiking interneurons in the local pattern-generating circuits of the crayfish swimmeret system; 43rd Society for Neuroscience Meeting, San Diego, CA, USA.

  • A. C. Schneider, H. Seichter, S. Grätsch & C.R. Smarandache-Wellmann (2013) Encoders of Coordinating Information in a Network of Coupled Oscillators; CEWIS Meeting, Cologne, Germany

  • S. Graetsch & C.R. Smarandache-Wellmann (2013) Intersegmental coordination in the swimmeret system: Neuronal properties of the descending coordinating neuron (DSC); 10th Göttingen Meeting of the German Neuroscience Society, Göttingen, Germany

  • F. Blumenthal & C.R. Smarandache-Wellmann (2013) Influence of temperature on the rhythmic activity of the Swimmeret System in Crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus); 10th Göttingen Meeting of the German Neuroscience Society, Göttingen, Germany

  • H. Seichter, M. Hochhaus & C.R. Smarandache-Wellmann (2012) Characterization of synaptic interaction between neurons responsible for coordination of a chain of oscillators; 42nd Society for Neuroscience Meeting, New Orleans, LA, USA.

  • C.R. Smarandache-Wellmann (2012) CPG neuron possesses a small widow of synaptic efficacy to encode activity in a coordinating neuron; 42nd Society for Neuroscience Meeting, New Orleans, LA, USA.

  • H. Seichter, M. Hochhaus, F. Blumenthal & C.R. Smarandache-Wellmann (2011) Decoding properties of a neuron in a chain of coordinated oscillators, Interdisciplinary College (IK2011), Günne, Germany

  • C.R. Smarandache-Wellmann & B. Mulloney (2011) Encoding and integration of coordinating information in a pattern-generating microcircuit; 41st Society for Neuroscience Meeting, Washington, DC, USA.

  • C.R. Smarandache-Wellmann & B. Mulloney (2011) Integration of coordinating information into an oscillator; 9th Göttingen Meeting of the German Neuroscience Society, Göttingen, Germany

  • C.R. Smarandache and B. Mulloney (2009), Coordinating of a distributed system of local pattern-generating modules: synaptic circuits and synaptic integration. Society for Neuroscience Meeting, Chicago, IL, USA. nominated through Faculty of 1000

  • U.B.S. Hedrich, C.R. Smarandache , and W. Stein (2009), The activation of one projection neuron can tip the scales: Motor pattern selection by different sensory pathways. Society for Neuroscience Meeting, Chicago, IL, USA.

  • C.R. Smarandache , and B. Mulloney (2009), Coordinated locomotion via a gradient of synaptic strength. 32th. Göttingen Neurobiology Conference, Göttingen, Germany.

  • C.R. Smarandache , and B. Mulloney (2008), Gradients in strength of synapses in a circuit that coordinates limb movements. Society for Neuroscience Meeting 2008, Washington, DC, USA

  • C.R. Smarandache, U.B.S. Hedrich, and W. Stein (2007), Convergence of a sensory pathway and a descending brain projection onto modulatory projection neurons. Society for Neuroscience Meeting, San Diego, CA, USA.

  • U.B.S. Hedrich, C.R. Smarandache , and Wolfgang Stein (2007), Synaptic inputs to modulatory projection neurons 31th. Göttingen Neurobiology Conference, Göttingen, Germany.

  • C.R. Smarandache U.B.S. Hedrich, and Wolfgang Stein (2006), The influence of a sensory cell on projection neurons in the stomatogastric nervous system of the crab. Society for Neuroscience Meeting, Atlanta, GA, USA

  • Wolfgang Stein, C.R. Smarandache, N. Daur, and U.B.S. Hedrich (2006), In vivo activation of a sensory neuron in the stomatogastric nervous system of the crab. Society for Neuroscience Meeting, Atlanta, GA, USA.

  • U.B.S. Hedrich, C.R. Smarandache, and Wolfgang Stein (2006), How two brain cells affect the filtering and chewing of food in the foregut of the crab. Society for Neuroscience Meeting, Atlanta, GA, USA.

  • C.R. Smarandache, and Wolfgang Stein (2005), The influence of a sensory cell on the central pattern generators in the stomatogastric nervous system of the crab. Society for Neuroscience Meeting, Washington DC, USA.

  • U.B.S .Hedrich, M. Nickmann, C.R. Smarandache, and W. Stein (2005), Long-term effects on facilitation at a neuromuscular junction of the crab. Society for Neuroscience Meeting, Washington DC, USA.

  • W. Stein, W. Mader, C.R. Smarandache, U.B.S. Hedrich and J. Ausborn (2005), The effects of a sensory neuron on a central pattern generator in artificially closed loop conditions. ociety for Neuroscience Meeting, Washington DC, USA.

  • C.R. Smarandache, and W. Stein (2005), Characterization of a sensory input that entrains a central pattern generator in the stomatogastric nervous system of the crab. 30th. Göttingen Neurobiology Conference, Göttingen, Germany.

  • M. Nickmann, C.R. Smarandache, and W. Stein (2005), Temporal dynamics of facilitation at a crustacean neuromuscular junction. 30th. Göttingen Neurobiology Conference, Göttingen, Germany.

  • C.R. Smarandache, and W. Stein (2004) Entrainment of a central pattern generator by sensory feedback in the stomatogastric nervous system of the crab. Society for Neuroscience Meeting, San Diego, CA, USA.

  • C.R. Smarandache, C.C. Eberle, and W. Stein (2003) A sensory neuron in a positive feedback loop and its influence on the gastric mill rhythm of the crab, Cancer pagurus. Society for Neuroscience Meeting, New Orleans. LA, USA

  • C.R. Smarandache, and W. Stein (2003), A sensory neuron in a positive feedback loop and its influence on a central pattern generator. 29th. Göttingen Neurobiology Conference, Göttingen, Germany.

  • C.R. Smarandache, and W. Stein (2003), Activation of a sensory neuron in the stomatogastric nervous system of Cancer pagurus and its effects on a central pattern generator. rustaceologen Tagung, Ulm, Germany.

  • W. Stein, C.C. Eberle, and C.R. Smarandache (2002), The stomatogastric nervous system of the edible crab: beyond in vitro rhythms. Deutsche Zool. Gesellschaft, Halle, Germany.