- Schneider AC, Seichter HA, Neupert S, Hochhaus AM, Smarandache-Wellmann CR (2018) Profiling neurotransmitters in a crustacean neural circuit for locomotion. PLOS ONE 13(5): e0197781.
- Smarandache-Wellmann, CR, (2016) Arthropod neurons and nervous system,
Curr Biol. 2016 Oct 24;26(20):R960-R965.
- Grabowska M., Toth T.I., Smarandache-Wellmann C. and Daun-Gruhn S. (2015) A network model comprising 4 segmental, interconnected ganglia, and its application to simulate multi-legged locomotion in crustaceans.
J. of Comp. Neurosci., 1-16
- Seichter H.A., Blumenthal F. and Smarandache-Wellmann C.R., (2014) The swimmeret system of crayfish: A practical guide for the dissection of the nerve cord and extracellular recordings of the motor pattern.
JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments), e52109-e52109
- Mulloney B., Smarandache-Wellmann C., (2014) Weller C., Hall W.M. and DiCaprio R.; Proprioceptive modulation of coordination of segmentally-distributed microcircuits.
J. Neurophysiol. 2014, 112: (11) 2799-2809 DOI: 10.1152/jn.00321.2014
- Smarandache-Wellmann C., and Grätsch S. , (2014) Mechanisms of coordination in distributed neural circuits: Encoding coordinating information.
J. Neurosci. 34(16):5627-5639
- Smarandache-Wellmann C, Weller C, Mulloney B. (2014) Mechanisms of coordination in distributed neural circuits: decoding and integration of coordinating information.
J Neurosci.;34(3):793-803.
- Smarandache-Wellmann CR, C Weller, TM Wright Jr. and B Mulloney (2013) Five types of non-spiking interneurons in the local pattern-generating circuits of the crayfish swimmeret system.
J Neurophysiol. doi:10.1152/jn.00079.2013
- Mulloney, B. and C.R. Smarandache-Wellmann (2012) Neurobiology of the crustacean swimmeret system. Prog. Neurobiol. Feb;96(2):242-67
- Lewis T.J. , Zhang J., Smarandache C.R and Mulloney B. (2011) Understanding the mechanisms underlying phase-locking behavior in the crayfish swimmeret system,
BMC Neuroscience 2011, 12(Suppl 1):O14
- Schlichter T.J., Brian Mulloney B., Smarandache C. and Lewis T.J. (2010) Phase response properties of an idealized half-center oscillator
BMC Neurosci. 2010; 11(Suppl 1): P3.
Mulloney, B. and C.R. Smarandache (2010) Fifty years of CPGs: two neuroethological papersthat shaped the course of neuroscience. Front. Behav. Neurosci. 4 (45): 1-8.
C.R. Smarandache , W. Hall, B. Mulloney (2009) Coordination of rhythmic motor activity by gradients of synaptic strength in a neural circuit that couples modular neural oscillators
J. Neurosci. 29(29):9351-60
(Diese Publikation wurde durch Faculty of 1000 ausgewählt: (Faculty of 1000 Biology: evaluations for C. R. Smarandache et al J Neurosci 2009 Jul 22 29 (29) :9351-60 ))U.B.S. Hedrich, C.R. Smarandache , W. Stein (2009) Differential activation of projection neurons by two sensory pathways contributes to motor pattern selection. J. Neurophysiol. 102:2866-2879.
C.R. Smarandache , N. Daur, U.B. Hedrich, W. Stein (2008)Regulation of motor pattern frequency by reversals in proprioceptive feedback. Europ J Neurosci. 28: 460-474
C.R. Smarandache , and W. Stein (2007) Sensory-induced modification of two motor patterns in the crab, Cancer pagurus. J Exp Biol 210: 2912-2922
W. Stein, C.R. Smarandache , M. Nickmann, U.B. Hedrich (2006) Functional consequences of activity-dependent synaptic enhancement at a crustacean neuromuscular junction. J Exp Biol. 209(Pt 7):1285-300.
Book Chapters (* peer reviewed)
- Gal, J. L., Dubuc, R. and Smarandache‐Wellmann, C. (2017). Coordination of Rhythmic Movements. In Neurobiology of Motor Control (eds S. L. Hooper and A. Büschges). doi:10.1002/9781118873397.ch10
- Stein W., C. Städele & C.R. Smarandache-Wellmann# (2016). Book chapter: /Evolutionary aspects of motor control and coordination: the central pattern generators in the crustacean stomatogastric and swimmeret systems/; In: Structure and Evolution of Invertebrate Nervous Systems, Oxford University Press, eds: Schmidt-Rhaesa, A., Harzsch, S. & Purschke, G. ISBN: 9780199682201.
Faculty of 1000 video-presentation
Invited Talks
- C.R. Smarandache-Wellmann (2014) The Swimmeret System of Crayfish: Coordination of Neural Oscillators; Arthropod Neuroscience Network Symposium at the 107th Annual Meeting of the German Zoological Society at the University of Konstanz, Germany
- A.C. Schneider and C.R. Smarandache-Wellmann (2014) Unraveling the cellular properties of neurons involved in coordination of central pattern generators; 107th Annual Meeting of the German Zoological Society at the University of Konstanz, Germany
- C.R. Smarandache-Wellmann (2014) The swimmeret system of crayfish: cellular mechanisms of coordination; in the symposium "Coordination of multi legged locomotion" at the Neuroethology Conference 2014, Sapporo, Japan
- C.R. Smarandache-Wellmann (2014) Mechanisms of synchronization; Department of Animal Physiology of the University of Cologne, Germany
C.R. Smarandache-Wellmann (2013) Crayfish: Coordination of Swimmerets; The EMICAB Symposium on Legs, Load and Locomotion – Bielefeld, Germany
C.R. Smarandache-Wellmann (2013) Nervensystem des Flusskrebses und tierschutzgerechte Tötung von Decapoden; Internationale Flusskrebstagung, Nationalpark Eifel, Schleiden-Gemünd, Germany
C.R. Smarandache-Wellmann (2013) Network mechanisms of coordination in distributed neural oscillators; Ulm University, Neuroscience Seminar, Ulm, Germany
C.R. Smarandache-Wellmann (2012) Encoding of coordinating information in a limb movement network; Arthropod Neuroscience Network Symposium at the 105th annual meeting of the German Zoological Society (DZG), Konstanz, Germany
C.R. Smarandache-Wellmann (2011) Encoding and Integration of Coordinating Information in a Pattern-Generating Microcircuit, RWTH Aachen Neuroscience Seminar, Aachen, Germany
C.R. Smarandache (2010), Coordination of Distributed Local Neural Circuits, University of Bonn, Neuroscience Seminar, Bonn, Germany
C.R. Smarandache (2009), How coordinating information is integrated into local neural circuits.STG-Meeting (SfN satellite symposium), Chicago, IL, USA.
B. Mulloney and C.R. Smarandache (2008), Gradients of synaptic strength in a neural circuit that coordinates limb movements. Symposium at the Society for Neuroscience Meeting, Microelectrode and multielectrode recording techniques, Washington, DC, USA.
C.R. Smarandache (2007),Sensory regulation of rhythmic motor patterns in the crab's stomatogastric nervous system. Center for Neuroscience Special Seminar, University of California, Davis, CA, USA.
C.R. Smarandache-Wellmann (2013) Mechanisms of coordination in distributed neural oscillators; Department of Biology, 2nd D-BIOL Symposium, Prüm, Germany
C.R. Smarandache-Wellmann (2012) Encoding of coordinated information in a system of distributed neural oscillators; Dynamic neural networks: The Stomatogastric System (SfN satellite symposium) New Orleans, LA – USA
C.R. Smarandache-Wellmann (2012) Network mechanisms of coordination for distributed neural oscillators; 105th Annual Meeting of the German Zoological Society at the University of Konstanz, Germany
C.R. Smarandache-Wellmann (2012) Decoding, Integration and Encoding of Coordinated Information, “Neural Basis of Coordinated (Loco-)Motion” Workshop im Wissenschaftskolleg Berlin, Germany
C.R. Smarandache-Wellmann (2011) Integration of Coordinating Information in a Pattern-Generating Microcircuit, Department of Biology 1st D-BIOL Symposium, Prüm, Germany
C.R. Smarandache and B. Mulloney (2008), The cellular basis of a well-coordinated system. STG-Meeting, Washington DC, USA.
C.R. Smarandache (2008) Gradients of synaptic strengths in a neural circuit that coordinates limb movements. University of California, Davis; Neuroscience Retreat, Point Reyes, CA, USA.
C.R. Smarandache (2008), Synaptic influence decreases with distance from point of origin. Biologisches Kolloquium, Universität Ulm, Deutschland.
C.R. Smarandache (2007), Sensory regulation of rhythmic motor patterns in the crab's stomatogastric nervous system. Center for Neuroscience Special Seminar, University of California, Davis, CA, USA
C.R. Smarandache (2006), The effects of the sensory cell AGR on the activities of projection neurons in the crab. STG-Meeting, Atlanta, GA, USA.
C.R. Smarandache (2006) A sensory cell changes the activities of several projection neurons in the stomatogastric nervous system of the crab. Arthropodenseminar, Berlin, Deutschland.
C.R. Smarandache (2005), Characterization of a sensory input in the stomatogastric nervous system of the crab. STG-Meeting, Washington DC, USA.
C.R. Smarandache , W. Stein (2005), Sensorymotor integration in the stomatogastric nervous system. Arthropodenseminar, Bielefeld, Deutschland
A. C. Schneider, H. Seichter, S. Grätsch, C.R. Smarandache-Wellmann (2013), Encoders of Coordinating Information in a Network of Coupled Oscillators. NeuroVisionen 9, Cologne.
F. Blumenthal & C.R. Smarandache-Wellmann (2013) Temperature dependent effects on rhythmic activity in the swimmeret system of crayfish; 43rd Society for Neuroscience Meeting, San Diego, CA, USA.
A. C. Schneider, S. Grätsch & C.R. Smarandache-Wellmann (2013) Intersegmental coordination in the swimmeret system: Neuronal properties of the ascending (ASCE) and descending (DSC) coordinating neuron; 43rd Society for Neuroscience Meeting, San Diego, CA, USA.
B Mulloney, C Weller, TM Wright Jr. & CR Smarandache-Wellmann (2013) Five types of non-spiking interneurons in the local pattern-generating circuits of the crayfish swimmeret system; 43rd Society for Neuroscience Meeting, San Diego, CA, USA.
A. C. Schneider, H. Seichter, S. Grätsch & C.R. Smarandache-Wellmann (2013) Encoders of Coordinating Information in a Network of Coupled Oscillators; CEWIS Meeting, Cologne, Germany
S. Graetsch & C.R. Smarandache-Wellmann (2013) Intersegmental coordination in the swimmeret system: Neuronal properties of the descending coordinating neuron (DSC); 10th Göttingen Meeting of the German Neuroscience Society, Göttingen, Germany
F. Blumenthal & C.R. Smarandache-Wellmann (2013) Influence of temperature on the rhythmic activity of the Swimmeret System in Crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus); 10th Göttingen Meeting of the German Neuroscience Society, Göttingen, Germany
H. Seichter, M. Hochhaus & C.R. Smarandache-Wellmann (2012) Characterization of synaptic interaction between neurons responsible for coordination of a chain of oscillators; 42nd Society for Neuroscience Meeting, New Orleans, LA, USA.
C.R. Smarandache-Wellmann (2012) CPG neuron possesses a small widow of synaptic efficacy to encode activity in a coordinating neuron; 42nd Society for Neuroscience Meeting, New Orleans, LA, USA.
H. Seichter, M. Hochhaus, F. Blumenthal & C.R. Smarandache-Wellmann (2011) Decoding properties of a neuron in a chain of coordinated oscillators, Interdisciplinary College (IK2011), Günne, Germany
C.R. Smarandache-Wellmann & B. Mulloney (2011) Encoding and integration of coordinating information in a pattern-generating microcircuit; 41st Society for Neuroscience Meeting, Washington, DC, USA.
C.R. Smarandache-Wellmann & B. Mulloney (2011) Integration of coordinating information into an oscillator; 9th Göttingen Meeting of the German Neuroscience Society, Göttingen, Germany
- C.R. Smarandache and B. Mulloney (2009), Coordinating of a distributed system of local pattern-generating modules: synaptic circuits and synaptic integration. Society for Neuroscience Meeting, Chicago, IL, USA. nominated through Faculty of 1000
U.B.S. Hedrich, C.R. Smarandache , and W. Stein (2009), The activation of one projection neuron can tip the scales: Motor pattern selection by different sensory pathways. Society for Neuroscience Meeting, Chicago, IL, USA.
C.R. Smarandache , and B. Mulloney (2009), Coordinated locomotion via a gradient of synaptic strength. 32th. Göttingen Neurobiology Conference, Göttingen, Germany.
C.R. Smarandache , and B. Mulloney (2008), Gradients in strength of synapses in a circuit that coordinates limb movements. Society for Neuroscience Meeting 2008, Washington, DC, USA
C.R. Smarandache, U.B.S. Hedrich, and W. Stein (2007), Convergence of a sensory pathway and a descending brain projection onto modulatory projection neurons. Society for Neuroscience Meeting, San Diego, CA, USA.
U.B.S. Hedrich, C.R. Smarandache , and Wolfgang Stein (2007), Synaptic inputs to modulatory projection neurons 31th. Göttingen Neurobiology Conference, Göttingen, Germany.
C.R. Smarandache U.B.S. Hedrich, and Wolfgang Stein (2006), The influence of a sensory cell on projection neurons in the stomatogastric nervous system of the crab. Society for Neuroscience Meeting, Atlanta, GA, USA
Wolfgang Stein, C.R. Smarandache, N. Daur, and U.B.S. Hedrich (2006), In vivo activation of a sensory neuron in the stomatogastric nervous system of the crab. Society for Neuroscience Meeting, Atlanta, GA, USA.
U.B.S. Hedrich, C.R. Smarandache, and Wolfgang Stein (2006), How two brain cells affect the filtering and chewing of food in the foregut of the crab. Society for Neuroscience Meeting, Atlanta, GA, USA.
C.R. Smarandache, and Wolfgang Stein (2005), The influence of a sensory cell on the central pattern generators in the stomatogastric nervous system of the crab. Society for Neuroscience Meeting, Washington DC, USA.
U.B.S .Hedrich, M. Nickmann, C.R. Smarandache, and W. Stein (2005), Long-term effects on facilitation at a neuromuscular junction of the crab. Society for Neuroscience Meeting, Washington DC, USA.
W. Stein, W. Mader, C.R. Smarandache, U.B.S. Hedrich and J. Ausborn (2005), The effects of a sensory neuron on a central pattern generator in artificially closed loop conditions. ociety for Neuroscience Meeting, Washington DC, USA.
C.R. Smarandache, and W. Stein (2005), Characterization of a sensory input that entrains a central pattern generator in the stomatogastric nervous system of the crab. 30th. Göttingen Neurobiology Conference, Göttingen, Germany.
M. Nickmann, C.R. Smarandache, and W. Stein (2005), Temporal dynamics of facilitation at a crustacean neuromuscular junction. 30th. Göttingen Neurobiology Conference, Göttingen, Germany.
C.R. Smarandache, and W. Stein (2004) Entrainment of a central pattern generator by sensory feedback in the stomatogastric nervous system of the crab. Society for Neuroscience Meeting, San Diego, CA, USA.
C.R. Smarandache, C.C. Eberle, and W. Stein (2003) A sensory neuron in a positive feedback loop and its influence on the gastric mill rhythm of the crab, Cancer pagurus. Society for Neuroscience Meeting, New Orleans. LA, USA
C.R. Smarandache, and W. Stein (2003), A sensory neuron in a positive feedback loop and its influence on a central pattern generator. 29th. Göttingen Neurobiology Conference, Göttingen, Germany.
C.R. Smarandache, and W. Stein (2003), Activation of a sensory neuron in the stomatogastric nervous system of Cancer pagurus and its effects on a central pattern generator. rustaceologen Tagung, Ulm, Germany.
W. Stein, C.C. Eberle, and C.R. Smarandache (2002), The stomatogastric nervous system of the edible crab: beyond in vitro rhythms. Deutsche Zool. Gesellschaft, Halle, Germany.