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Dr. Matthias Gruhn


Mein Hauptinteresse gilt dem Verständnis der neuronalen Kontrolle von komplexeren Bewegungsabläufen wie zum Beispiel dem Kurvenlaufen. Insbesondere beschäftige ich mich zur Zeit mit der Veränderung der Verarbeitung von Belastungsinformationen, die zur Richtungsänderung beim Laufen beitragen. Daneben beschäftige ich mich mit der Implementierung digitaler Ansätze in der Universitätslehre.


  • 2005-heute:  Wiss. Mitarbeiter in der Abt. Tierphysiologie, Zoologisches Institut der Universität zu Köln
  • 2000-2004: Wiss. Mitarbeiter (postdoctoral fellow und associate) am Department of Neurobiology and Behavior, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA, bei Prof. Dr. Ronald Harris-Warrick
  • Okt. 2000: Verleihung des Doktortitels an der Universität Konstanz
  • 1996-2000: Doktorand der Neurobiologie an der Universität Konstanz, bei Prof. Dr. Werner Rathmayer
  • 1994-1995: Diplomarbeit am Institut für Genetik bei Prof. Dr. Erich Buchner
  • 1992-1993: graduate exchange student, State University of New York at Albany, USA
  • 1989-1995: Studium der Biologie (Diplom) an der Julius-Maximilians Universität Würzburg


  • Kursorganisation und Lehre im BSc Grundpraktikum Physiologie (Bio3b)
  • Kursorganisation und Lehre im BSc Wahlpflichtmodul Neurophysiologie (WP-B-Neuro)
  • Kursorganisation und Lehre im MSc Modul "Seminar Neuroscience"
  • Lehre in den MSc Modulen "Tutorial Neuroscience", "Neural Function I: Neural Basis of Motor Behavior in Animals" and "Neural Function II: Analyzing the Neural Underpinning of Behavior – from Structure to Function to Behavior

Ehrungen und Auszeichnungen

  • Sept. 1992-Sept.1993, Vollstipendium und Studiengebührenerlass im Würzburg-SUNY at Albany - Austauschprogramm
  • Nov. 1997, Reise/Forschungsstipendium des SFB 156, zum Besuch des Labors von Prof. Dr. Andries ter Maat, an der Vrieje Universiteit, Amsterdam, Niederlande
  • Verleihung des Doktortitels (Dr. rer. nat.) an der Universität Konstanz
  • Mai-Aug. 2002, Stipendium der Grass Foundation am Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, MA, USA
  • April, 2008, Reise und Aufenthaltsstipendium zum Workshop “Neuromechanics of Locomotion”, MBI, Columbus, Ohio, USA



  • Wieters F, Gruhn, M., Büschges A, Fink GF, Aswendt M (2022) Terminal H-reflex Measurements in Mice. Journal of Visualized Experiments Jun 16;(184). doi: 10.3791/63304
  • Hammel E, Mantziaris C, Schmitz J, Büschges A, Gruhn, M. (2022) Thorax-Segment- and Leg-Segment-Specific Motor Control for Adaptive Behavior. Front. Physiol. May 04. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2022.883858
  • Haberkorn, A., Özbagci, B., Gruhn, M., & Büschges, A. (2021). Optical inactivation of a proprioceptor in an insect by non-genetic tools. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 363, 109322. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jneumeth.2021.109322
  • Wieters, F., Weiss-Lucas, C., Gruhn, M., Büschges, A., Fink, G.A., Aswend M. (2021) Introduction to Spasticity and related mouse models” Experimental Neurology 335 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.expneurol.2020.113491.
  • Schmitz J., Gruhn, M., and Büschges A. (2019). Body side-specific changes in sensorimotor processing of movement feedback in a walking insect. J. Neurophysiol. 122(5):2173-2186. doi: 10.1152/jn.00436.201.
  • Weigelt, CM , Hahn, O., Arlt, K., Gruhn, M. , Jahn, A., Eßer, J., Werner, J.A., Klein, C., Büschges, A., Grönke, S., Partridge, L. (2019), Loss of miR-210 leads to progressive retinal degeneration in Drosophila melanogaster“. Life Science Alliance, DOI 10.26508/lsa.201800149
  • Haberkorn, A., Gruhn, M., Zill, S.N., Büschges, A. (2019). „Identification of the origin of force-feedback signals influencing motor neurons of the thoraco-coxal joint in an insect”. J Comp. Physiol. A (2019) 205:253–270. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00359-019-01334-4
  • Godlewska-Hammel, E., Büschges, A. Gruhn, M. (2017) Fiber-type distribution in insect leg muscles parallels similarities and differences in the functional role of insect walking legs. J Comp Physiol A (2017). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00359-017-1190-8
  • Gruhn M, Rosenbaum P, Bockemühl T, Büschges A (2016). Body side-specific control of motor activity during turning in a walking animal. eLife, published April 27, 2016; cite as: eLife 2016;10.7554/eLife.13799
  • Schmitz J.1, Gruhn M1, Büschges A. (2015). "The Role of Leg Touchdown for the Control of Locomotor Activity in the Walking Stick Insect" J.Neurophysiol. 113 (7): 2309-2320
  • Knops S., Tóth T. I., Guschlbauer C., Gruhn M., Daun-Gruhn S. (2013) “A neuromechanical model for the neuronal basis of curve walking in the stick insect.“ J.Neurophysiol., 109:679-691.
  • Berendes V., Dübbert M., Bockemühl T., Schmitz J., Büschges A., Gruhn M. (2013). “A laser-supported lowerable surface setup to study the role of ground contact during stepping”. J.Neurosci. Methods, 215: 224-233
  • Wosnitza, A., Engelen J., Gruhn M. (2013). “Segment-specific and State-dependent Targeting Accuracy of the Stick Insect” J.Exp.Biol.,216 (22):  4172-4183.
  • Gruhn, M., Rosenbaum, P., Bollhagen, H.-P., Büschges, A. (2011). “Studying the neural basis of adaptive locomotor behavior in insects”. JoVE 50, hhp://www.jove.com/index/Details.stp?ID=2629, doi:10.3791/2629
  • Borgmann A, Toth TI, Gruhn M, Daun-Gruhn S, Büschges A. (2011). „Dominance of local sensory signals over inter-segmental effects in a motor system: experiments.“Biol Cybern., 105 (5-6): 399-411.
  • Rosenbaum, P., Wosnitza, A., Büschges, A., Gruhn, M. (2010). “Activity patterns and timing of muscle activity in the forward walking and backward walking stick insect Carausius morosus”. J.Neurophysiol. 104(3):1681-1695
  • Gruhn, M., Zehl, L., and Büschges A. (2009), “Straight Walking and Turning on the Slippery Surface”, J.Exp.Biol., 212:194-209
  • Hooper, SL, Guschelbauer, C., Blümel, M., Rosenbaum, P.,Gruhn, M., Akay, T., Büschges A., (2009), “Neural Control of Unloaded Leg Posture and of Leg Swing in Stick Insect, Cockroach, and Mouse Differs from that in Larger Animals” Journal of Neuroscience, 29(13):4109–4119.
  • Gruhn, M., v.Uckermann, G., Westmark, S., Wosnitza, A., Büschges, A. and Borgmann, A. (2009), “Control of Stepping Velocity in the Stick Insect Carausius morosus”, J.Neurophysiol., 102:1180-1192
  • Büschges, A., Gruhn, M (2008) The role of mechanosensory feedback for insect walking pattern generation: from joint control to adaptive locomotor behavior Adv.Insect Physiology, Vol.34:194-229
  • Gruhn, M., Hofmann, O., Dübbert, M., Scharstein, H., and Büschges, A (2006) “Tethered Stick Insect Walking: A modified Slippery Surface Setup with Optomotor Stimulation and Electrical Monitoring of Tarsal Contact.”, J. Neurosci. Methods 158: 195-206
  • Gruhn, M., Guckenheimer, J. and Harris-Warrick, R.M., (2005) “Properties of IK-delayed rectifier-type currents in the pyloric cells of the lobster stomatogastric system and their modulation by dopamine” J Neurophysiol. 94(4): 2888-2900
  • Gruhn, M. and Rathmayer, W. (2002), „An implantable electrode design for chronic nerve recording and stimulation in freely behaving crayfish”. J.Neurosci.Meth., 118:33-40
  • Gruhn, M. and Rathmayer, W. (2002), “Phenotype plasticity in postural muscles of the crayfish Orconectes limosus Raf.: Correlation of myofibrillar ATPase based fiber typing with electrophysiological properties, and the effect of chronic nerve stimulation.” J.Exp.Zool., 293:127-140.
  • Eberle, K.K., Zinsmaier, K.E., Buchner, S., Gruhn, M., Jenni, M., Arnold, C., Leibold, C., Reisch, D., Walter, N., Hafen, E., Hofbauer, A., Pflugfelder, G.O., Buchner, E. (1998), "Wide Distribution of the Cysteine String Proteins in Drosophila Tissues Revealed by Targeted Mutagenesis", Cell Tissue Res., Vol.294, pp 203-217.
  • Melzig, J., Burg, M., Gruhn, M., Pak, W.L., and Buchner, E. (1998), "Selective Histamine Uptake Rescues Photo- and Mechanoreceptor Function of Histamine Decarboxylase-Deficient Drosophila Mutant", J.Neurosci., Sept.15th, Vol.18(18), pp. 7160-7166.
  • Jacklet, J.W. and Gruhn, M. (1994), "Co-localization of NADPH-diaphorase and myomodulin in synaptic glomeruli of Aplysia", NeuroReport 5, pp 1841-1844.
  • Jacklet, J.W. and Gruhn, M. (1994), "Nitric Oxide as a Putative  Transmitter in Aplysia: Neural Circuits and Membrane Effects", The Netherlands Journal of Zoology, 44 (3-4): pp 524-534.

Übersichtsartikel und Buchkapitel


  • Büschges A., Gruhn, M. (2020). “Studying the Neural Basis of animal walking in the stick insect” in Whelan, P.J. and Sharples, S.A. (eds) “The Neural Control of Movement: Model Systems and Tools to Study Locomotor Function”, Academic Press, London, pp.:57-73.
  • Büschges, A., Gruhn, M (2008) The role of mechanosensory feedback for insect walking pattern generation: from joint control to adaptive locomotor behavior Adv.Insect Physiology, Vol.34:194-229
  • Büschges, A., Daun-Gruhn, S., Gruhn, M., Schmidt, J. (2013). "The Complexity of the Ordinary - The Neural Control of Locomotion", in: S. Leyssen, P.Rathgeber (eds) "Bilder animierter Bewegung/Images of Animate Movement", Wilhelm Fink Verlag, München, pp.253-276.