Matsuo, E., Seki, H., Asai, T., Morimoto, T., Miyakawa, H., Ito, K., and Kamikouchi, A. Organization of projection neurons and local neurons of the primary auditory center in the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster. J. Comp. Neurol. 524, 1099-1164, 2016.
Miyazaki T, Lin TY, Ito K, Lee CH, Stopfer M. “A gustatory second-order neuron that connects sucrose-sensitive primary neurons and a distinct region of the gnathal ganglion in the Drosophila brain”.J Neurogenet. 29, 144-55, 2015
Ito. K., Shinomiya, K., Ito, M., Armstrong, D., Boyan, G., Hartenstein, V., Harzsch, S., Heisenberg, M., Homberg, U., Jenett, A., Keshishian. H., Restifo, L., Rössler, W., Simpson, J., Strausfeld, N. J., Strauss, R., and Vosshall, L.B; The Insect Brain Name Working Group. A systematic nomenclature for the insect brain. Neuron, 81, 755-765, 2014.
Otsuna, H., Shinomiya, K., and Ito.K. Parallel neural pathways in higher visual centers of the Drosophila brain that mediate wavelength-specific behavior. Front. Neural Circuits, 8, 8, 2014.
Masuda-Nakagawa, L.M., Ito, K., Awasaki, T., O'Kane, C.J. A single GABAergic neuron mediates feedback of odor-evoked signals in the mushroom body of larval Drosophila. Front. Neural Circuits. 8, 35, 2014.
Mu, L., Bacon, J.P., Ito, K., Strausfeld, N.J. Responses of Drosophila giant descending neurons to visual and mechanical stimuli. J Exp Biol. 217, 2121-2129, 2014.
Flood, T., Iguchi, S., Gorczyca, M., White, B., Ito, K., and Yoshihara, M. A single pair of interneurons commands the Drosophila feeding motor program. Nature (Letter) 499, 83-87, 2013.
Flood, T.F., Gorczyca, M., White, B.H., Ito, K., and Yoshihara, M. A large-scale behavioral screen to identify neurons controlling motor programs in the Drosophila brain. G3, 3, 1629-1637, 2013.
Ito, M., Masuda, N., Shinomiya, K., Endo, K., and Ito, K. Systematic analysis of neural projections reveals clonal composition of the Drosophila brain. Curr. Biol, 23, 644–655, 2013.
Ueno, T., Tomita, J., Tanimoto, H., Endo, K., Ito, K., Kume, S. and Kume, K. Identification of a dopamine pathway that regulates sleep and arousal in Drosophila. Nat Neurosci, 15, 1516-23, 2012.
Aso, Y., Herb, A., Ogueta, M., Siwanowicz, I., Templier, T., Friedrich, A. B., Ito, K., Scholz, H. and Tanimoto, H. Three dopamine pathways induce aversive odor memories with different stability. PLoS genetics, 8: e1002768, 2012.
Mu, L., Ito, K., Bacon, J. P. and Strausfeld, N. J. Optic glomeruli and their inputs in Drosophila share an organizational ground pattern with the antennal lobes. J Neurosci, 32: 6061-71, 2012.
Endo, K., Karim, M. R., Taniguchi, H., Krejci, A., Kinameri, E., Siebert, M., Ito, K., Bray, S. J. and Moore, A. W. Chromatin modification of Notch targets in olfactory receptor neuron diversification, Nat Neurosci, 15: 224-233, 2012.
Tanaka, N. K., Endo, K. and Ito, K. The organization of antennal lobe-associated neurons in the adult Drosophilamelanogaster brain. J Comp Neurol, 520: 4067-4130, 2012.
Shinomiya, K., Matsuda, K., Oishi, T., Otsuna, H., and Ito, K. Flybrain Neuron Database, a comprehensive database system of the Drosophila brain neurons. J Comp Neurol, 519, 807-833, 2011.
Das, S., Sadanandappa, M. K., Dervan, A., Larkin, A., Lee, J. A., Sudhakaran, I. P., Priya, R., Heidari, R., Holohan, E. E., Pimentel, A., Gandhi, A., Ito, K., Sanyal, S., Wang, J. W., Rodrigues, V. and Ramaswami, M. Plasticity of local GABAergic interneurons drives olfactory habituation. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 108: 646-54, 2011.
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Miyazaki, T. and Ito, K. Neural architecture of the primary gustatory center of Drosophila melanogaster visualized with GAL4 and LexA enhancer-trap systems. J Comp Neurol, 518, 4147–4181, 2010.
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Aso, Y., Siwanowicz, I., Bracker, L., Ito, K., Kitamoto, T., and Tanimoto, H. Specific dopaminergic neurons for the formation of labile aversive memory. Curr Biol, 20, 1445-1451, 2010.
Masuda-Nakagawa, L. M., Awasaki, T., Ito, K., and O'kane, C. J. Targeting expression to projection neurons that innervate specific mushroom body calyx and antennal lobe glomeruli in larval Drosophila. Gene Expr Patterns, 10, 328-337, 2010.
Schnell, B., Joesch, M., Foerstner, F., Raghu, S. V., Otsuna, H., Ito, K., Borst, A., and Reiff, D. F. Processing of horizontal optic flow in three visual interneurons of the Drosophila Brain. J Neurophysiol, 103, 1646-57, 2010.
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Tanaka, N. K., Ito, K. and Stopfer, M. Odor-evoked neural oscillations in Drosophila are mediated by widely branching interneurons. J Neurosci, 29, 8595-603, 2009
Sakurai, M., Aoki, T., Yoshikawa, S., Santschi, L. A., Saito, H., Endo, K., Ishikawa, K., Kimura, K., Ito, K., Thomas, J. B., and Hama, C. Differentially expressed Drl and Drl-2 play opposing roles in Wnt5 signaling during Drosophila olfactory system development. J Neurosci, 29, 4972-4980, 2009
Kamikouchi, A., Inagaki, H. K., Effertz, T., Fiala, A., Hendrich, O., Gopfert, M. C. and Ito, K. The neural basis of Drosophila gravity sensing and hearing. Nature (Article), 458, 165-171, 2009.
Yorozu, S., Wong, A., Fischer, B. J., Dankert, H., Kernan, M. J., Kamikouchi, A., Ito, K., Anderson, D.J. Distinct sensory representations of wind and courtship song in the Drosophila brain. Nature (Letter), 458, 201-205, 2009.
Okada, R., Awasaki, T. and Ito, K. GABA-mediated neural connections in the Drosophila antennal lobe. J Comp Neurol, 514, 74-91, 2009
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Kato, K., Awasaki, T. and Ito, K. Neuronal programmed cell death induces glial cell division in the adult Drosophila brain. Development, 136, 51-59, 2009.
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Silbering, A. F., Okada, R., Ito, K. and Galizia, C. G. Odor information processing in the Drosophila antennal lobe: Anything goes? J Neurosci, 28, 13075-87, 2008.
Das, A., Sen, S., Lichtneckert, R., Okada, R., Ito, K., Rodrigues, V. and Reichert, H. Drosophila olfactory local interneurons and projection neurons derive from a common neuroblast lineage specified by the empty spiracles gene. Neural Development, 3, 33, 2008.
Lai, S. L., Awasaki, T., Ito, K. and Lee, T. Clonal analysis of Drosophila antennal lobe neurons: diverse neuronal architectures in the lateral neuroblast lineage. Development, 135, 2883-2893, 2008.
Sachse, S., Rueckert, E., Keller, A., Okada, R., Tanaka, N. K., Ito, K. and Vosshal, L. B. Activity-dependent plasticity in an olfactory circuit. Neuron, 56, 838-50, 2007.
Thum, A. S., Jenett, A., Ito, K., Heisenberg, M. and Tanimoto, H. Multiple memory traces for olfactory reward learning in Drosophila. J Neurosci, 27, 11132-8, 2007.
Rister, J., Pauls, D., Schnell, B., Ting, C.-Y., Lee, C.-H., Sinakevitch, I., Morante, J., Strausfeld, N. J., Ito, K. and Heisenberg, M. Dissection of the peripheral motion channel in the visual system of Drosophila melanogaster. Neuron, 56, 155-170, 2007.
Kamikouchi, A., Shimada, T. and Ito, K. Comprehensive classification of the auditory sensory projections in the brain of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster.J Comp Neurol, 499, 317-56. 2006.
Otsuna, H. and Ito, K. Systematic analysis of the visual projection neurones of Drosophila melanogaster. I. Lobula-specific pathways. J Comp Neurol, 497, 928-58. 2006.
Awasaki, T., Tatsumi, R., Takahashi, K., Arai, K., Nakanishi, Y., Ueda, R. and Ito, K. Essential role of the apoptotic cell engulfment genes draper and ced-6 in programmed axon pruning during Drosophila metamorphosis. Neuron, 50, 855-67. 2006.
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