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Dr. Anja Scherwaß

Curriculum vitae


Study of biology at the University of Cologne. Graduation ("Dipl.-Biol.")


Study of limnology at the University of Vienna, Institute for Limnology (Erasmus-Grant of the European Union)


Diploma thesis on problems of nitrite toxicity on macroinvertebrates and occurrence of nitrite in surface and interstitial water in a small river


Assistance at laboratory work and students courses at the University of Cologne, Department of Physiological Ecology, Prof. Dr. Neumann

1998 – 2001

Graduate Student at the University of Cologne: Ecological role of ciliates in the potamoplankton of the river Rhine

2001 - 2005

Postdoctoral Research Associate: Interactions between bacteria and protozoans: Feeding ecology of heterotrophic flagellates

March 2003 - May 2003

Research Stay at the Molecular Microbial Ecology Group (Prof. S.Molin) at the Danish Technical University, Lyngby

2005 -

Research Associate (Permanent Position)


Research interests

Ecology of Protozoans, esp. Ciliates in Rivers, Biofilm Ecology, Bacteria-Protozoa Interactions, esp. Three Dimensional Structure investigated by Laser Scanning Microscopy