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Dr. Frank Nitsche

Curriculum vitae


Study of biology at the University of Salzburg


Diploma thesis at the University of Salzburg. Theme: Ecology and faunistic of the molluscs in lake Fuschel with a special focus on Valvata alpestris


Free-lance biologist and consultant in Birmingham


Employee in the IT-field in Cologne. Main field of work were databases, queries and teaching those.


Free-lance programmer, biologist and consultant in Cologne.


PhD study at the University of Cologne (Systematic and morphology of freshwater Choanoflaggelates)

Since 2007

Postdoctoral research assistant at the University of Cologne, Zoological Institute, General Ecology and Limnology


Research interests

Aquatic ecology, molluscs, benthic organisms, influence of protozoans on nutrient cycles, microbiological methods, applied biology